Title: Rules for Use & Please leave your comment & questions here | |
tagsnagscrapmore > Pam's Holiday Backs & Snags > Patriot Backgrounds | Go to subcategory: |
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Pam- | ||||||
Date Posted:06/26/2015 3:29 PMCopy HTML Please leave all your comments and questions about the backgrounds here so that the threads only have backgrounds in them!! Thank you!! Please only use the background with the tags provided as they must match due to licensing rules! Do to the large volume of my backgrounds being posting in other groups for share I have decided that I would like you to please not do this. Please refer them to this group so that they can snag. Any comments or suggestions on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you for understanding. If you wish to share them in your group please let me know via pm and I will consider this. The problem is I just saw a bunch of my backs almost all of them even the new ones posted yesterday in a group that has not ever posted in here and I am sorry but that is kinda rude lol. Thanks for listening! If you already have them in your group and are a member here just let me know and that will be okay!!! |
CuddlesAmi | Share to: #1 | |||||
Re:Rules for Use & Please leave your comment & questions here Date Posted:07/04/2015 12:54 AMCopy HTML PS you know I have always used your groups in my diabetes group backs... for holidays... but I don't have any of them POSTED in the group of course say under backgrounds or whatever... I am sorry that folks would just post them all in their groups for whoever to use as they please.. yes it is rude n makes me sad to think any of our friends would do such things... I do hope it is ok to copy and paste a back like I did for July 4th in a message for celebrating? I'm sure that is still fine... hope so... let me know if not ok? Miss you... but am so thankful for your backs:) and Sharon for posting WWO's like she has continued to do:)
If you see someone without a smile today give them one of yours! Live simply. Love seriously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
CuddlesAmi | Share to: #2 | |||||
Re:Rules for Use & Please leave your comment & questions here Date Posted:07/04/2015 12:49 AMCopy HTML Used one of your Wonderful Cute and General Happy July 4th backs... it is so very very adorable... this one:)... thanks for adding them Pam... miss your WWO offers... but was so thankful to see all these fabulous backs for summer and Patriotic as well!!!! Have used two already of this one below:)
If you see someone without a smile today give them one of yours! Live simply. Love seriously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.